If you are ready to sell your house, listing in winter can actually lead to really great results. January is a fantastic time to list your house, especially in mild Bay Area climates. (Aren’t we lucky?)
A Redfin study found that yes, homes tend to sell best in spring, but only by a small margin. And guess what? The next best time to sell a home turned out to be winter! Interestingly, winter home sales were only one percentage point lower than the figures for spring, with summer trailing quite a bit behind.
All real estate markets are different, but I have found that winter is a great time to sell. Why? The answer is simple: Supply and demand. Because many sellers wait until spring to put their home on the market, the sudden glut in inventory gives Buyers much more to choose from and makes the marketplace more competitive for Sellers. If you get your house listed a bit earlier before the mad dash, you may face less competition.
The most important part of the equation regarding when to list your home is to be sure and meet your own needs. Speaking to an experienced, compassionate real estate agent can help you to prioritize your needs for a smoother experience.
If you are thinking of making a move in 2022, give me a call!